Država: Crna Gora
Najviši vrh: 1935 m
Koordinate najvišeg vrha: 42.8241, 19.1524
Država: Crna Gora
Najviši vrh: 1935 m
Koordinate najvišeg vrha: 42.8241, 19.1524
Krški reljefni oblici
Prostrana vrtača na vršnom dijelu Borovnika |
Savardak je najstariji tip tradicionalnih stambenih objekata, koji su se gradili u Crnoj Gori i Hercegovini. To je jednostavna građevina, kružnog tlocrta u kojoj se nalazilo kućno ognjište kao fokusna točka cijele građevine. Zbog opasnosti od neprijatelja i vremenskih nepogoda, savardak je bio lako rasklopljiv i pomjerljiv objekt. Na fotografiji: savardak na visoravni Konjsko u Crnoj Gori. |
Ublica se nalazi na oko 1508 m n.v.
Ckladna se smjestila na oko 1500 m n.v.
Bršanski Katun
Katun se nalazi na oko 1558 m. Ostale varijante imena koje se koriste: Bršno, Bršanski Katuni, Bršanski Katun, Brsanski Katun, Brsanski Katuni, Brsno, Bršanski Katun, Bršanski Katuni, Bršno.
Konjski ubao
Vodopad Kace
Manifestation '' Day of Lukavica'' 2019 - Župa in the heart
Autor: Zupa u srcu Datum objave: 23.7.2019. Opis. The Lukavica mountain and the "Day of Lukavica" event were one, merged in the beautiful surroundings of Mali Lukavica, with a beauty, socializing, filled with memory of past times when the song was hailed by this mountain, and the boys and girls started the game. The manifestation was organized by the organization Župa u srcu, "I choose clean", the Ethno House "My San" and the "Luka" rural camp. This project is supported through the program "For Greater Voice of Civil Society Organizations", implemented by the Fund for Active Citizenship - FAKT, financed by the US Embassy in Podgorica. The manifestation was also supported by the Marko Miljanov Development Fund and Airports of Montenegro, Sinisa Novakovic and Katunjani, who helped organize the event itself. The manifestation was officially opened by Prof. Prof. Dr. Veljko Milutinović from Katun Koprivni Do, professor at the University of Indiana in the USA, visiting professor at the Belgrade University, a foreign member of the CANU, a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts as treasurer of intangible and material goods in Europe. Professor Milutinovic is the author of the world's first microprocessor at 200 MHz, about a decade before INTEL, which he did for the US DARP research agency in the 1980s. Welcoming present Milutinović said: "It is a great honor and pleasure to be invited to open this wonderful manifestation. I notice a lot of young people today. Which mountain of young people will love this mountain has a guaranteed and bright future. I see a lot of wise heads here. Much wisdom has come from this mountain. There is a lot of wisdom here that we have to respect if we want to go ahead. '' In his speech, he welcomed Sinisa Novakovic, the host of the event, which, as Milutinovic said, has invested a lot of enthusiasm, energy, sacrifice and perspiration in the past few years in promoting this mountain and its beauty. "These are activities that, in an invisible way, but important for all of us, promote the environment we belong to and which is essential to gain an adequate presence in the family of mountains already on the table of the most gourmet travel agencies." He added: "You know how, I've learned that friendships are good if they last long, and they talk about quality if they last for a short time. In this place, God's hand did maximum. It's the beauty that the world does not have. Now it's left to make the human hand a minimum. This is the basic infrastructure: the way to this place, water supply, electricity and mobile internet. Without such infrastructure, all the potentials of this mountain can not be expressed. Such an infrastructure that is in the power of the state is absolutely necessary. " In the end, he said that it was sometimes said "there were more sheep more than stone", saying that if infrastructure is needed, there will be more tourists in the future than stone. - Milutinovic locked in Following the opening of the event, a rich two-hour program with songs characteristic of this mountain was performed in the performance of members of KUD Ljubo Bozanovic from Pipera, founded in 1972, who won numerous awards and medals throughout the former Yugoslavia. The manifestation was also marked by the performances of the folk musician Vladimir Vukanović, as well as the bandits and accordion players Željko and Stefan Martinović, who won numerous awards at domestic competitions. After the cultural program was followed by the "Parade of Horses" made by throats from the mountain Lukavica. Guests enjoyed the accompanying "game" of horses and their owners, and many of them wanted to take and make a photo for a long memory on this day. In the end, guests and participants continued to socialize with the snack prepared by Ethno House staff "My San". Guests could buy medicinal herbs, honey, homemade brandy, cheese and other products from Lukavica from local food producers. A guest at the event with his products was the producer Željko from Ulcinj, who did not have the trouble to come and support a manifestation that is pretending to grow into a traditional one from the coast. |
Konjsko (katun)
Katun se nalazi na 1459 m n.v.
Mašin krš
Luke Bojovića
Luke Bojovića nalaze se na oko 1440 m.
Dragilov vir
Bare Bojovića
Legenda o Jadoviču Mnogi lokaliteti na visorani Konjsko i Lukavica dobili su imena po vilama. To su primjerice: Rozin vrh, Borovnik i Jadovič. Zrno Brajičić je izdizao s ovcama u katun u Jablan dolu kod Borovnika. U jednom je òmaru sagradio zimski stan (kolibu), tako da je ovce mogao držati u planini i zimi. Jedne zime ostavio je svoja dva brata kod ovaca i sišao. Ne potraja dugo kad se u selu kod kuće obrete njegov pas šarov, sav oskuben. Zrno se odmah dosjeti da je neka nevolja snašla njegovu braću iz istih stopa pođe na planinu. Kada dođe tamo, imao je šta vidjeti: ovce od velike gladi pojele svu vunu jedna sa druge, a oba brata leže kraj ognjišta zadavljeni. Skloni ih u dno kolibe i naloži vatru. Onda otvori vrata od kolibe, odsiječe jednu bukovu cjepanicu i legne na mjesto mrtvoga brata, pretvarajući se da spava. Kad je bilo oko ponoći pojavi se na vratima kolibe vila, pa pristupi ognjišti, tresući snijeg sa kose. U taj mah Zrno skoči i onom cjepanicom vilu snažno udari među oči. Ona zakuka iz svega glasa, pa se primače Zrnu i stade ga moliti: Priudari, Brajiću Zrno! Priudari, bogom pobratime! A Zrno joj odgovori: Zrno udara samo jednom!, jer je znao da vilu ne smije udariti više no jedan put. Kukajući iz sveg glasa vila izađe iz kolibe dozivajući svoje sestre: Rozu iz Rozinog vrha, Planu iz Planinika i Boriku iz Borovnika. Kad je svanulo Zrno krene njenim tragom nalazeći svuda po kap krvi u snijegu. Kad je stigao vilu, čuo je njen jauk i u tom trenutku pod njom je propanuo snijeg, a ona izgorjela i od nje ostala samo šaka pepela. Otada se to mjesto gdje je vila poslednji put jauknula, zove Jadovič. POJAŠNJENJA Jadovič se nalazi na sjevernom rubu zaravni Konjsko jugoistočno od Dažnika, kod Konjskog Ubla, Rozina vrha, Borovnika te ski-centra Vučje. òmār m <G omára> zast. gaj, dubrava, manja crnogorična šuma oskuben – operušan, očerupan IZVOR Zrno Brajičić i Vile iz Borovnika. Župa u srcu |
GAJEVIĆ, Jasna: Upoznaj domovinu: Moračka planina Borovnik. Jasnina putovanja, 3.11.2022.
POPOVIĆ, Predrag: Borovnik 1.935 mnm - Moračke planine. VRHOVI CRNE GORE - PEAKS OF MONTENEGRO, 19.6.2017.
POPOVIĆ, Predrag: Borovnik 1.935 mnm - Moračke planine. VRHOVI CRNE GORE - PEAKS OF MONTENEGRO, 19.6.2017.